Teaching staff succesfully complited two-day course by SoftServe

Teaching staff of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Ihor Lazarovych, Victor Rovinskyi and Mykola Kozlenko succesfully complited a two-day intensive course, developed by SoftServe experts for IT teachers. Objectives of the course were to integrate market needs and educational process, make it useful and interesting for students. Also, to bridge the gap between teaching staff and students, between employers and employees.

It allows teachers to develop their soft and hard skills, improve teaching methods, create exelent educational programs, and collaborate with IT companies. Furthermore, it gives an understanding of the reality in which students will have to work after graduation.

During the course, there was a chance to discover the main processes, roles, perspectives and challenges that the IT company is facing now. Besides, it was a good opportunity to hear and figure our about: trends and challenges in the IT industry, IT business in Ukraine: from outsource to the product, how the world of professions and requirements to IT specialists are going to change, uncommon directions in the IT industry, trends in programming languages, soft skills and their importance for IT specialists, as well as the possibility of further collaboration with the company.